We have a dedicated SEN Leader, Mrs Victoria Shackleton, who works across the three schools of our federation. She spends time in each of our schools supporting the learning needs of our SEN pupils and those who need some additional intervention to support areas of development. Victoria can be contacted using the office telephone number at any school.
Wellhouse - 01484 645794 (Tuesday)
Clough Head - 01484 222217 (Wednesday)
Wilberlee - 01484 222588 (Thursday)
Or email:
To view our Heights Federation of Schools SEN policy 2024 please click on the Information tab below.
SEND Updates
The Height Federation of Schools graduated approach
Our Federation staff team follow the graduated approach to improve the outcomes for SEN pupils in schools and use our Federation SEND Identifiction Flow Chart (please see document below). For more information please go to:
Relational Policy
In September 2023 our Federation of Schools launched our Relational Policy to replace our Behavioural Policy and it has been met with positivity by all to improve the behaviour of pupils in our schools.
Emotion Coaching
During the current and previous accademic years, our federation staff team have continued to access training delivered by our Educational Psychologist; Dr Charlotte Renton focussing on using Emotion Coaching strategies and everyone actively uses this empowering language terminology with pupils on a daily basis.
Our lives are full of change, during which we transition or move from one stage to another. A transition from one educational setting to another can be exciting, but it can also be a cause of anxiety for you and your child. Please look at the guidance regarding transitions to Primary or High Schools. Please click on the link for more information.

Local Offer
Each school should have a 'Local Offer' which sets out for parents the SEN provision which they offer. In collaboration with the three federated schools we have worked to produce a local offer which sets out our SEN provision. Please find attached the Local Offer document.
The purpose of the site is to give children and young people, who have Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) and their families, information about support and services in our local area. It’s essential they ask young people for their views and wishes, in order to make sure the site is useful and meets their needs.Therefore, a quick link, seeking feedback has been created, to start a conversation. This is the quick link: Local Offer
Our building at Wellhouse School predates any disability considerations in its construction. However, we are fortunate to be accessed without steps at the front of school with access to a disabled toilet at entry level. The toilet also has a changing bed with an adjustable height to make changing facilities as comfortable as possible.
Should a pupil or parent need access to the building and choose us as a setting for their child, we would make all the necessary adjustments which were possible to allow the building to be accessed and any limitations of the building were limited.

Wellhouse Junior and Infant School is one of 14 schools in in Kirklees to been selected to be part of the PINs project. The project aims to:
- Help shape whole school SEND provision
- provide early interventions at a school level
- upskill school staff
- support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers
If you have time, we would be very grateful if you could complete the short parent questionnaire in support of the project.

If you would like to make a referral to the school nursing team please contact the Thriving Kirklees 0-19 Service
Sensory Processing - For more Sensory Occupational Therapy Information,
Sensory Information for Parents -
Talk Sense Training Videos -

For Kirklees Information, Advice and Support serivces click here.
To visit PECAN - a site for parents of children with additional needs - please click here.
To visit the Parent's Guide to dealing with Anxiety, please click here. This useful document can help parents support their children who may have anxierty related illnesses.
Kirklees Keeping in Mind

Kirklees Keep in Mind helps young people in Kirklees access timely support to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Please speak to your class teacher if you have any concerns and they can make a referral to the service, For more information please go to:
Parent Information - please click on the useful documents.
Neurodevelopment Conditions - If you have any concerns please speak to your class teacher, SENDCo or GP. For more infromation about neurological conditions such as Autisim, ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder) please visit: visit:
Dyslexia Information - In our school we use Lucid Rapid Screening and GL Ready to support pupil progress of those who are suspected to have Dyslexia traits. Please visit
The documents above may be of use to you as parents. If you have any questions, please see Mrs Shackleton, Federation SENDCo.