Class 3
Welcome to our Class Three Page!
We hope that this information is useful and you are able to find out everything you need to know about life in Class Three at Wellhouse Junior and Infant School!
In Class Three we have a mix of Year 4, 5 and 6 Children. We are a fun and friendly class who always try our hardest. We have a great laugh in our class, but are really eager to learn at the same time. We take pride in our work and always want to acheive great new Heights. We really soar high when it comes to our learning attitude and we never give up. We love to learn and are always trying to find out new things. If you need any more information regarding Class Three, please email the school office and we will be more than happy to help you!
Mrs Wallace
Class Teacher
Who is in Class Three?
Mrs Wallace is our teacher.
Mrs Garside, Mrs Pearson, Miss Taylor, Miss Bishop, Mr Mitchell, Miss Dailly, Mrs Thompson and Miss Dickinson all help and support at different times in our class.
What DOES A Week in class three look like?
It is important that we have our planners and reading records in school every day. Each day begins with different tasks such as reading, spellings and handwriting.
Guided reading lasts for 45 minutes and we do this three times a week. It is really important that you help your child by reading regularly at home and record this in their planner.
On Wednesday afternoons, Ms Garside will take Class 3 for PSHE and Carry My Story.
Thursday afternoon is our PE day with coach Ben. Please make sure your child arrives to school in the correct PE kit and no jewellery.
Celebration Assemblies with Mrs Kenworthy: On Fridays we recognise the Star of the Week, along with the Values Award and Manners Award. If you have achieved anything outside of school, please bring this in and hand to Mrs Wallace to be shared at assembly.
Spelling: Each Friday we will be tested on our weekly spelling lists so please make sure that you have practiced and learnt these using Spelling Shed online.
Our Timetable
Please click on the link below to see our current class timetable.
This can change weekly but will give you an idea of what we are up to in Class Three.
What can we do at home?
Learning how to learn is an important element of a child's education and therefore we ask that you support your child in completing tasks at home and establishing a healthy balance of play/relaxation and study. Each week, children are expected to practice their assigned spelling words on Spelling Shed, practice their times tables speed on Times Tables Rockstars, and, perhaps most importantly, read at least 20 minutes every day.
Regular reading is always important and it is equally important that we write what we have read in our planners. Remember that we have the list of top 50 books to read before finishing Class Three! This document is in planners but can also be found below. We will also be sending home the Class Three reading scrapbook, in which children will take turns to produce a creative, visual book review to be shared with their classmates.
Visit these websites to help you learn:

Our Topic
This term our Topic is the 'It's all Greek to me!'
We will be focusing on history this half term and looking at Ancient Greece and how this has impacted life today. Throughout this unit we will learn about the different city-states and how they were governed differently, Alexander the Great and what Ancient Greek Gods were known for.
We will also be completing a very exciting art project- designing and making our very own Greek vases out of clay! We will begin by looking at examples and designing our own using Greek patterns and silhouettes before making these.