Home Activities
We have recently reviewed our homework policy, which can be accessed shortly. In the meantime please have a look at the suggested activities below to compliment your child's learning in school.
Reception and Year 1
Please click on the following link for actitivies which would be appropriate for your child to access if they are in reception or year 1 at school. These activities are organised by areas of interest so that you can select actitivites that are of interest to your child or things which you feel they would benefit from reinforcing and practising.
Years 2 and 3
Please click on the link below to see a variety of activities appropriate for pupils in Years 2 and 3. These build upon the actitivies set out for pupils in reception and Year 1 and compliment the expected learning which will be taking place in school. There may also be additional set homework to support year 2 pupils in preparation for their SATS at the end of Key Stage 1.
Years 4 and 5
Please find activities below which are appropriate for pupils in Years 4 and 5 to complete at home.
Year 6
Pupils in Year 6 may wish to refer to the activities in the link below. There may also be additional set homework in Year 6 to prepare and support learning in school related to SATS preparation.