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Welcome to Class Two!

Here is some information about our class, which I hope you find useful.

 In class two we have children from years 2, 3 and 4. We love to learn and find out new things! We are a kind, caring and polite class who are always willing to do things for others.  

Take a look around our page to find out more about Class Two!

Mrs Preston - Class Teacher

Who is in Class 2?

Mrs Preston is our teacher, and supporting us is Mrs Baines, Mr Mitchell, Mrs Davies, Mrs Wood and Mrs Hinchliffe. 

Mrs Garside and Mrs Cooper also teach us on a Wednesday.

What do I need to remember?

It is important that we all bring our reading record and book with us each day as we may need to read with a member of staff throughout the day. We also collect merits in our reading record. 

We have a weekly book change on a Wednesday in school. This is when children will change their reading and recommended reading book with an adult. 

Tuesday and Friday are our PE days. On Fridays the Year 4 children go swimming so they will need to bring a swimming kit with them on those days. Children will change for PE at school, this will usually be outside. PE kit must be labelled and left at school in a named bag.

Although lessons can move around, here is a general timetable of what will be happening each week.

Provision in Class 2

In Class 2, we noticed some of the children missed the provision set up in Class 1.  At the beginning of Spring 2, we added a small provision area into the room and it has been amazing! The children have been so engaged and focused in this area and working really hard with a range of subjects and skills. 

Current topics 

Our topic is who lives there and who lives with me?

In Literacy we are reading Fantastic Mr Fox and learning all about story writing. In Science we are learning all about Humans and Animals. In DT we are looking at puppets this half term. In PSHE we are following myhappymind to learn all about the brain and how we can learn better. In RE we are learning about other peoples cultures and religions. In Geography we are using maps and learning geographical skills. 

What can you do at home?

One of the most important things you can do at home to help your child is reading with them. Your child has access to many books in school and are also able to bring them home. Please fill in the reading record book whenever you have shared a book together or listened to your child read.

They can also log onto TT Rockstars to practice their times tables at home.

Spelling Shed

On a Wednesday, children have their weekly spelling lesson in school. Children are set a list of words to practise on Spelling Shed from that spelling session. Children are encouraged to practise these spellings for the week and then the children will have a spelling quiz the following Wednesday as part of the spelling session.

Children are either on our RWI programme or they are following either Stage 2 spellings or Stage 3 spellings. I have attched the medium term plan for Stage 2 and Stage 3 spellings. Children should be able to spell the words attached to the step learnt that week.

Again, I am happy to give out housepoints and merits to those children practising at home.  

Here’s what we have been up to in class 2

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