Friends of Wellhouse
The Friends of Wellhouse, usually meet once a term on an evening to plan fund raising events.
All the proceeds of the events are used to buy items for the school, some of the items we have bought have been:
- digital cameras for each class
- Musical instruments
- PE equipment
- Contributions towards school trips
We usually hold around 4 – 6 events a year, which have included a summer fair, quiz night, beetle drive and treasure hunts etc.
We really do need more parents to join our Friends of Wellhouse team. The existing members are all longstanding supporters with older children who will not be pupils here for much longer. Without parental involvement, the FoW team will no longer be able to continue and this will have a severe impact on the funds we have available to provide trips,transport, supplies and many other items which enhance your children's learning experiences. Please do consider joining us,your idea's and support would be so welcome. Just ask at the office and we'll guide you as to the next meeting (usually one a term!) Thank you.