Key Stage 1 SATS

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Our Key Stage 1 children sit their SATs tests at the end of Year 2. This is an indication of how children are making progress in Reading, Writing (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths. Their class teacher will have been tracking their progress from the beginning of the year and it gives a picture of their attainment in these core subjects. The Senior Leaders in school will also have been monitoring the pupil's progress from entry into school and will be able to see how pupils are developing and set early predictions about whether they are on track to achieve the expected standard in Year 6. However, this is just part of a child's journey in their educational life at school and makes up only part of the picture. Below are the Key Stage 1 SATs results for the past two years. Our year groups are lower than average and so percentages of individual pupils are high, where one child in a year group can represent as much as 9%. Also, where year groups are less than 10 pupils to protect the identity of individuals we will not publish the results for these year groups.
If you would like to speak to someone about SATs please make an appointment to see a member of the Senior Leadership Team in school.
2018 Key Stage 1 Outcomes
Reading |
72% |
Writing |
58% |
Maths |
86% |
Reading, Writing and Maths (RWM) |
57% |
2017 Key Stage 1 Outcomes
Reading |
50% |
Writing |
40% |
Maths |
45.5% |
Reading, Writing and Maths (RWM) |
30% |