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Reception by Reuben

Recommended Reads

We love books in class 1!  We regularly share stories with the class, and encourage the children to read for pleasure.  The attached file is a list of our recommended reads - the children will borrow one per week with the aim of reading all the books on the list.  Please use their Reading Diary to make comments about the recommended read each week as we value yours and your child's feedback.  This will be in addition to their usual RWI reading book where appropriate.  We would love to receive any recommendations that you have as we love to grow our collection of books - fiction and non-fiction!

Children have been provided with a named book bag. However, if you would like a red 'Wellhouse' book bag, please contact Mrs Bamforth in the office.



What does my child need each day?

With our wonderful, changeable weather, please ensure that your child comes to school with a suitable coat, a jumper/fleece/cardigan and a water bottle - please note; water only.  The weather is beginning to warm up, but we still ask that your child is prepared for all weathers!  All items of clothing must be named to avoid disappointment as sometimes things can get lost as we move around the different parts of school.

The children are offered a snack of fruit every day, and milk which is ordered online (please get in touch with Mrs Bamforth if you would like information on how to order milk for your child).  You are welcome to send a healthy snack for your child - grapes should be cut in half, and we politely ask that you do not send any chocolate based snacks or crisps.

Please refer to our main webpage for specific school uniform items, and where these can be purchased.


What can I do to support my child?

Support and encourage children to become independent in pulling up their own zips, pulling the arms of coats in the right way and encourage them to hang up their own coats. 

Encourage independent dressing.

Encourage healthy eating and trying new things.



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